About Heather Mehra-Pedersen

Welcome, Wonderful Guest!

Welcome, Wonderful Guest! Heather Mehra-Pedersen, CEO (Chief Experience Officer) of Talus Rock Retreat exhibits absolute pleasure in sharing the place she calls home with you. While it was never her life’s dream to run a lodging retreat, God seemed to provide an undiscovered passion and grant her the gift of hospitality to make a wonderful living. Fueled by her ability to create space, she tapped into her mother’s creative gene and hired some extremely talented contractors. With the encouragement of her patient husband, Bruce, who gave her free rein and wings, they executed what she describes as a “God-inspired artistic vision’ of Talus Rock Retreat.

Lodging Venue:

Over two decades, Bruce and Heather have meticulously created a haven called Talus Rock Retreat, nestled in the picturesque landscape of Sandpoint, Idaho. Heather remains incredibly blessed to have a supportive husband who allowed her to design and build this lodging retreat, giving her the freedom to express her passion for art and beauty. 

The lodging venue offers travelers inspiration, rest, and rejuvenation and is a shared effort with veterinarian husband, Bruce. Together, their combined efforts have created an enduring love mark that brings wonderful guests and is something they are grateful to share daily with their four small furry companions – Sprout, Pocket, Chutney, and RD. In keeping with their core vision, lodging dollars generously spent here not only serve others, but patronage allows us to help others. This is their “joie de vivre”.

More About My Daily Pursuit

When not painting, she is also a creative art junkie, delighting in transforming discarded items into treasures using unconventional methods, parts, and pieces she finds in abandoned ranches and junkyards. She aims to appreciate the beauty of nature through upcycling, taking inspiration from wildlife, travels, and everyday objects. Occasionally, she comes across old paintings in fantastic antique frames and paints over the pre-framed canvases.

Heather's Colors Art Studio

Formally educated with degrees in Marketing and Fine Arts from Lehigh University, Heather initially heeded her East Indian father’s advice to prioritize business over art. Nevertheless, her lineage is steeped in artistic excellence as her mother is an alumna of the esteemed Philadelphia School of Art and ensured that her passion for art never waned. At her core, Heather is a passionate art enthusiast driven by her love for colors and textures.

Heather’s professional journey has been a vibrant tapestry woven across diverse industries – one that has always left room for creativity. Intertwined with decades of art, Heather has succeeded as a licensed stockbroker, veterinary practice manager, interior designer, co-author, sign language interpreter, serial entrepreneur, and an advocate for overseas orphans. Heather’s creative spirit continuously finds its way into her business ventures.


Art for change… your support helps vulnerable families from heatherscolors.com on the artist page.

art for change- your support helps vulnerable families

The purchase of Heather’s artwork helps to support causes through http://WellConnected.org, a mission to help people in developing nations with life-changing solutions. Whether it’s funding eyeglasses for a child in Nepal, digging wells in India’s villages, planting orchards in Peru, or establishing medical clinics in Liberia, Heather’s hands and feet are on the ground working to ensure every dollar serves its intended purpose. 

During a trip to Nepal in 2020, Heather sat on a step in a busy market and watched an ant carry a grain of sugar across her feet. It reminded her that, “Just because you can’t do everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything”, and that was the start of http://WellConnected.org. In addition, Heather takes joy in teaching art to both children and adults during her travels.