The Gardens

Barbara Pressler I owe all of my creative talents to my mother. While I may be the acorn, she is the golden oak. She is so right-brained, she walks with a tilt. Barbara (or ‘Mimi’ as she is best known), is responsible for all the unusual trees and beautiful landscaping. An artist by both study […]

Our Pets

Our pets know the rules of the bed & breakfast: no barking, whining, jumping, scratching, biting or inappropriate sniffing will be tolerated – or back to the pound with ya! In other words, nothing less than perfect, well-mannered obedience will do around here. No matter what, though, the cute factor is most definitely part of […]

The Pedersen Family

A close family that strives to squeeze the life out of every minute, the Pedersens love to dream, create, serve, build, fly, mentor, and simply be involved in relationships. With their passion for adventure, people, and animal husbandry, combined with a heart for the underprivileged, this energetic family loves to explore the far corners of […]